9/30/2020 Vehicle Parking

Attention all residents:

Please remember that any vehicles parked in Southpointe must have a proper parking pass, and a valid license plate.  Commercial vehicles may not park overnight ( A commercial vehicle is any vehicle that has wording, lettering, phone numbers or advertisements on it, a vehicle equipped with ladder racks or other work type modifications, or a vehicle over 5000 pounds).  All vehicles must be operable (no noticeable damage which would prevent it from being driven, no flat tires).  Any cars that are covered must have proper car covers (no tarps, plastic, sheets etc.).  Vehicles not meeting these requirements will be towed at the vehicle owners expense.  We also ask that if you will be storing a vehicle here (as in not using it daily), that you park in areas not close to the building to allow the year round residents parking spaces closer to the building.  Stored vehicles should be parked in the car wash or mailbox area.  You may NOT store a vehicle in a handicapped parking spot.  Jet skis, boats, RV/motorhomes,  and any other recreational vehicles may not park in Southpointe.  You must contact the Ventura admin office and make arrangements to park in their RV lot.  Uhauls and moving trucks are allowed for at 24 hour period and must be parked in a manner as not to interfere with others, or traffic.  PODS and storage containers are not allowed.  Driving on or parking in the grass is NOT acceptable under any circumstances.