There are some pages I cannot get into. Why is this? As this is a community site, some areas contain information only suitable for residents of our community. Those pages and areas, are password protected, and you need to log in with the username and password you have as a resident. If you do not know your log in details, you may be able to obtain them from the Admin Office. Please use the contact page to make that enquiry.
How do I log in You should have received an email when your account details were created at the Admin Office. Site username and passwords were included there. You can log in direct using the LogIn / Register link under the Owners menu link.
How do I know if I am logged in or out? There is a box at the top right of the screen, above the menu, that will say Howdy and your name if you are logged in. If you click your name, you will be able to see your user profile. There is also a link at the top left of the same bar with the site name and a link to the site. If either of those are not there you are not currently logged in to the site
I do not know my Username or Password If you use the LogIn / Register link under the Owners menu, or Click Here, you can use the lost password link there to get new details. If you are not registered on the site at all, you will need to phone or contact admin. Contact details are here
I have changed my email contact. How do I update the site? If you use the LogIn / Register link under the Owners menu, or Click Here, once you have logged in, you will see your user profile, and you can change the information in any of the boxes from there. Make sure you scroll down the page to check everything is correct, and don’t forget to click UPDATE PROFILE Button at the bottom when you are done.
I already have a username to access the site as an owner. Do I have to sign up for the newsletter too? Yes you do. Some people do not wish to receive the newsletter so we have made that a separate process. Just fill out the details in the Newsletter box at the bottom of any site page. If you are not sure that you have signed up for the newsletter, just enter your email in the Newsletter box. If you are already set up, you will receive a message to confirm that, if you are not set up, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription.
I get a red error message when creating an ad This is caused by not entering the correct information, or missing information from a required field. The message explains what the problem is.
I have a home for sale or rent on Southpointe. Can I list it on this site? Yes you can. Just go to the Homes link above, and select the Add Your Home option, or Click Here , and you will see how to list your property. Basic listings are FREE, and there are other options to get extra exposure on the site to rent or sell quicker.
I want to take a FEATURED listing for my home, but I do not have a Paypal account. Can I use my credit card to make payment? Yes you can, just select the FEATURED link on the payment terms, and you will be taken to PayPal to make payment. If you have a Paypal account this will be familiar to you. If you do not, on the right hand side at the bottom, you will see a link called ‘Don’t Have a Paypal Account?’ Just click that link and you will be able to use your credit card.
I have listed my home, but I cannot add any pictures, and it does not appear in the list of homes on every page, and it only stays on the site for 30 days before I have to renew it. What can I do to change that? You have listed your home as a Free listing. These listings do not have images, or appear on every page in rotation, and expire after 1 month. To change that you will have to take a FEATURED listing which is valid for 3 months, appears on each page, and above the free listings and contains up to 4 pictures. The best way to do this is to go to the Owner Info tab, and choose the LIST YOUR HOME link. Be sure to choose the 90 day FEATURED Listing on the subsequent page.
I have listed my home, but I want to make changes and I have forgotten my access key. How do I find that again? If you go to your listing under the Homes menu, and look in there you will see a link to Edit Your Listing at the top left. Once you click that link you will see a page that asks for your Email and Ad Access key. If you cannot remember the access key you received when you created the listing, just click the link under the Continue button, called ‘Resend Ad Access Key’. You will have to enter the email you used to create your listing, and the access key will be emailed to you.
I have listed my Rental, Home for Sale, and it is not on the site. Where has it gone? All site listings must first be checked by the site admin. You will have received an email about that when you listed. The checking is a manual process, and it can take a day or so to do, but it is usually done quicker than that. If you feel that your entry has been missed, please contact the Webmaster through the Email form on the Contact Page
I see there are some advertising spaces on the website. How do I advertise my business or service there? For all advertising enquiries, please contact the site webmaster. Please do not contact Admin. You can contact the Webmaster through the Email form on the Contact Page