If you would like to advertise on our community site, just like those folk on the right, you can submit your details below:

Ads are arranged 3 to a box, each rotate in a random manner. Each box is 195 x 125 pix, and we will need your text, contact phone, email, web address and duration. If you do not have a web address a page can be created for you.


Box 1 (Top of Page)

There are 3 slots to a box, and each slot  is $150 per year, or $100 for 6 months.

Advertising is text only, and we will try to accommodate your wording, however we may have to adjust your words to fit. Slots are available on a ‘first come – first served’ basis. Space is limited.

    Upload an Image For your banner. Max 195 x 125 pix. Use jpg, jpeg, gif, png

    If you do not have a banner, skip this upload