Attention all Owners and Residents

Several weeks of rain has caused several delays with the construction, we will be wrapping up the roofing project as quickly as we can.  The only building that has not had any work done to it yet is building 3/4.  If there is a break in the rain we hope to be starting on that building next week.  Currently the following buildings have completed roofs and completed AC building code upgrades,  buildings: 7/8, 41/42, 35/36, 37/38, 13/14, 5/6.  The following buildings have completed roofs and AC building code upgrades, but are still waiting on some gutters, downspouts etc.: 9/10, 39/40, 15/16, 29/30, 31/32, 1/2.  The following buildings are under construction currently: 33/34, 11/12, 43/44.  Building 3/4 will be the last building and hopefully started next week.

If you own and/or reside in a building listed in red, you should NOT have any further leaks and if you have not already done so you may call our office at 407 282-9250 to set up an appointment for the drywall team to come and replace any drywall you had removed due to storm damage.  If by chance you DO notice a leak, you must report if to the office immediately.  

If you own and/or reside in a building listed in blue, the flat and shingled portions of your roof are completed.  There is still a chance you may have a leak in the bedroom where the roof downspout would be,  until the downspouts arrive and are installed.  Please pay close attention to this area.  Since drywall appointments are currently booked through the first week of July anyway, if you had drywall removed and have not already set up an appointment for drywall replacement, you may contact our office at 407 282-9250.  If you still have drywall that is water damaged and needs to be removed, you must contact Anthony at United Water Restoration immediately at 321 432 8816.  This is your last chance to set this up.  

If you own and/or reside in a building listed in green above, your roof is either currently under construction or about to be under construction.  We will post another notice when it is time for you to make a drywall appointment.  Right now your buildings will still have leaks until the roof is completed.  If you have hurricane damaged drywall that still needs to be removed you must contact Anthony at United Water Restoration immediately at 321 432 8816 to set up an appointment for drywall removal.  This is your last chance to set this up.

Again I will remind everyone that it is up to the owners to check (or have someone check) their unit on a regular basis and report issues in a timely manner.  All owners must have homeowners insurance.  The association insurance does NOT cover baseboards, paint, cabinets, furniture, appliances etc., regardless of how the damage occurred.  If you have hired your own contractors to perform storm related work which WAS covered under the association insurance claim, we will not reimburse you for those costs.  We have been very clear as to what the process was and we have sent out letters and posted updates since September 12th through now.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at 407 282-9250.   

We would like to thank everyone for their patience.  We would like to give a special thank you all of the owners and residents who have followed all of our instructions and posts, your cooperation has been greatly appreciated.