Attention all Owners and Residents

Just a quick update to let everyone know that the roofs are 95% complete, the AC Building Code Upgrades are about 80% complete, the gutters downspouts,  overflow scuppers, replacement siding, and flashing is 100% complete, and the interior drywall repairs are about 70% complete.

If you had drywall and insulation removed due to a roof leak from Hurricane Irma, and you have not already had it replaced please call our office to schedule this work to be done.  ALL buildings can now set up their drywall and insulation appointments.  If you have any equipment that belongs to United Water Restoration, please call our office at 407 282-9250, so that we can pick it up.

If you have an AC issue THAT IS ROOF RELATED you must contact Hector with Mr. AC of Orlando at 407 451 5758.  If you report and AC issue that is NOT roof related, you will be charged for the repair.  Also if you contact your own AC company for a roof related AC issue, we will NOT be issuing refunds for owners who call their own AC company, as this will create issues with warranties we have with the roofers and AC company working out here.

If you have not visited your unit in some time and it is unoccupied, please have someone check your AC to make sure it is working.  Also if your unit was unoccupied during your roof replacement and it is still unoccupied, make sure you have someone check your unit to make sure you did not have any leaks during the construction.  We are wrapping up our insurance claim at this time and all damage needs to be reported immediately.

As the drywall and insulation replacement is completed in each building, our maintenance and landscaping staff will be coming around to each building to tackle a long list of items that need to be addressed.  As previously mentioned, we were unable to address many things while construction was occurring due to the mess that contractors and construction bring.  The crew will be addressing the following buildings first: 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 35/36, 41/42, 37/38.  These buildings are 100% complete including all drywall and insulation installation.  Maintenance and Landscaping items that will be done include: pressure washing, painting, planting, weeding, rocks, mulch, tree trimming, etc.   All of the remaining buildings still have work of some sort occurring.

We would like to thank everyone who has followed our posts and cooperated with us during the past 11 months.  It has not been easy to coordinate all of these repairs with 448 units (at least half of which were damaged by the hurricane), especially with the varying levels of occupancy we have from month to month.  We have tried our best to keep everyone updated by posting signs in the buildings and by making these posts online.  There was simply no way we could mail out 448 letters or call 448 units each time there was an update.  The original information was mailed out the day after the hurricane, and it clearly stated that all future hurricane related updates would be posted online.

As a final reminder, our insurance covers the drywall, insulation, texture, popcorn ONLY.  If Water Restoration had to remove baseboards due to water damage, the Association does NOT replace them.  We also do not cover paint, wallpaper, crown molding, floors, doors, furniture, or any other items.  We also do not re-install any light fixtures or ceiling fans that had to be removed due to leaks/damage.  All of these items fall under homeowner responsibility and are therefore also covered on your own homeowners’ policy.  If you choose not to put in a claim for these items, or for whatever reason you did not have homeowners insurance, those repairs fall on the unit owner.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 407 282-9250.