Attention ALL Southpointe OWNERS

Due to a new Florida statute, we have to change the set up of our website.  We will now be required to post many more documents on the website.  All documents will now have to be in an area protected by usernames and passwords, and this area will be accessible to owners only.  Each owner will need to contact our office beginning on Monday April 9th to set up a username and password to be able to access this information.  We will be assigning the usernames which will be unit specific.  When you contact us we will give you your username.  You will need to provide us your name, Southpointe address, and email address.  Once that is done you will receive an email with your temporary password with a link to change that password.  If you ever forget your password, there will be a link on the website to reset it.  Between now and Monday we will be uploading all of the required information to the website and have everything up and running by Monday morning.  You can call us to set this up at 407 282-9250 or email me at   I will need your name, the email you want to register with, and your Southpointe address.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


China J Benson, LCAM, Property Manager, Southpointe Condominium Association Inc.