Attention Residents/Owners Buildings 31 and 32

Attention Residents/Owners Buildings 31 and 32

Below is the current notice posted in your buildings:

This roof is currently under construction.  Please use caution as there may be debris and nails on the ground during construction.  This project may take several weeks.  As part of the roofing project, AC units on the roof will be temporarily disconnected and moved.  These outages should last a few hours, if your outage lasts longer than that, please contact Hector with Mr. AC of Orlando at 407 451-5758 so that he can come diagnose your issue.  If your AC condenser is very old and cannot survive being moved, the unit owner will be responsible for replacing it.  We have found several AC units over 35 years old, AC units are not built to last that long.  

If you have storm damaged drywall and insulation in your unit which has not yet been removed by Andrew with United Water Restoration, please contact him immediately at 407 222-6099 to schedule an appointment to have this work done.  We urge all owners and renters to sign up to our newsletter on our website at using their email.  We are posting construction updates there.  We will post a notice on the website letting you know when construction in this building is completed.  At that time those of you who have had drywall and insulation removed can call us to schedule your repairs.  There may be delays in construction due to permits, inspections, weather, and material delivery, which may cause the roofers to temporarily move on the next building to keep the project moving. In attempts to complete every building before summer, construction may occur as early as 7am to as late as 7pm up to 7 days a week. There will be noise.  

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience. We apologize for any inconveniences this project may cause.