Final Construction update 9/10/2018

Other than a few AC units that still need to be addressed, the roofing construction has finally been completed.  If you have had any issues with leaking in the past couple of weeks, please notify our office immediately.  There shouldn’t be any leaks now.  If you had drywall removed and have not yet made an appointment for drywall replacement, this is your last chance to do so.  Our drywall crews are on their last couple of units and then they will be done here.

Our maintenance and landscaping crews are cleaning up the aftermath of the construction.   Management has provided each crew with a list of things that need to be done at each building.  With their other work orders and weekly schedule, they should hopefully be able to complete the lists for two buildings each week (weather permitting).  The first buildings they have been given lists for are : 7/8, 43/44, 41/42, 35/36, 37/38, 1/2.  Once all items on those buildings have been completed we will move on to the next group of buildings.  We cannot address a building until ALL construction work (including all drywall) has been completed.  There is currently construction (drywall)  going on in units in buildings 29/30, 9/10, 3/4, 39/40, 33/34.  Also the Laundry and Meter room in Building 43/44 is under construction.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

We would like to thank everyone for their cooperation and patience over the past year.  It is hard to believe it has been exactly one year since Hurricane Irma hit us.  Hopefully the hurricanes that are currently forming do not find their way here.  It has been a long and exhausting year trying to get all of the repairs and roof replacements completed especially with the extreme heat and strong storms we have had all summer.  We urge everyone to stay tuned to the website, as this is our most effective way of communicating with the owners.  If anyone has any questions or concerns, or they need us to check their unit or speak to their insurance company regarding an interior damage claim, please contact us at 407 282-9250.

China J Benson LCAM