Hurricane Irma update as of September 29th 2017

As most of you have seen, we have a large crew which was sent out by our insurance company.  They have been out here the past 2 weeks trying to tarp all of the roofs.  Unfortunately due to the size and design of the buildings, as predicted we are still having leaks.  Just finding the tarps needed has proven to be a real challenge.   Luckily our insurance adjuster is coming out this Thursday to assess our situation.  If you have not yet checked your unit or sent someone over to check your unit, please do so immediately.  Damages not reported in a timely manner will NOT be part of the insurance claim and will not be covered.  If you have already reported a leak, you do not need to report it multiple times.  We are keeping a list of all units that were damaged from the hurricane.  If you have already reported storm damage, then you are already on the list.  Please do not get a false sense of security seeing the tarps.  You may still have leaking and you need to be prepared for this.  We are at the mercy of the insurance company and all we can do right now is what we have been doing.  We are in the midst of an insurance claim and we must follow the guidelines the insurance company gives us.  I cannot stress enough that this is going to be a long process, and the insurance company will be dictating what needs to be done and when.  There are several days of rain predicted over the next two weeks, please be ready for this.  If you need buckets or assistance, please contact the office, and we will do our best to help you.  Please remember we have 448 units and almost half of those have active leaks due to the hurricane.  We are doing everything we can even though some of you may not feel that way.

If you have not yet had a visit from Andrew Scott and you have storm damage, you must call him at 407 222 6099 so that he can come see your damage, document it, and take photos.  If you found his business card in your door, this is because you missed his visit.  Please contact him.  If you have renters in your property, please contact them or your rental company to make sure your tenant lets Andrew in.  If they missed his visit, please have them call him.

As a reminder, our insurance is covering the outside damage to the building AND interior drywall.  If you have damage to other items (such as flooring, furniture etc.), you must put a claim in with YOUR own insurance company.

We would like to thank the owners and residents for their patience during this time.  We cannot begin roofing work until the insurance company processes our claim, but we are doing what we can to help everyone in the meantime. We would like to thank the volunteer who came in to help with the mailing, and to Jason Daley, one of our renters who came last weekend and took all of our storm debris away for no charge.  I will be posting another update this Friday.

China Benson, LCAM, Property Manager, Southpointe Condominiums