Pools reopening May 13th

We are happy to announce that we have received a call from the health department and we will be able to re-open the pools on Wednesday May 13th.  We ask that everyone who uses the pool adheres to the regular pool rules, as well as the additional guidelines below.  If the rules are not followed, we will be forced to close the pools down.




  1. Pool occupancy is limited to the number of chairs set up.


2.  Please limit your time at the pool so that everyone who wants to use it gets a chance to.


  1. Chairs are set 6 feet apart and must remain in their locations


  1. Social distancing must be practiced at all times by staying 6 feet apart, or we will be forced to close the pools again
  2. We ask that you have no guests or visitors from outside of Southpointe with you at this time

6. Anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or displays any symptoms of the virus may not use the facilities at this time. Furthermore we ask that those classified as vulnerable, and/or those with compromised immune systems or underlying medical conditions do not use the pools at this time.

7.Please practice good hygiene and keep the restrooms clean

8.All other pool rules apply. Please report any issues or violations by calling or texting (407) 924-2945


Thank you in advance for your cooperation- Southpointe Management






1.     La cantidad de personas en el área de piscina está limitada al número de sillas disponibles.

2.     Las sillas están colocadas 6 pies una de otra y no deben moverse.


3.     Favor de limitar el tiempo en la piscina de modo que todo residente que desee pueda usarla.

4.     El distanciamiento social debe practicarse en todo momento, una persona separada de la otra 6 pies. Si no, nos veremos obligados a cerrar la piscina de nuevo.

5.     Pedimos no traer ningún amigo o invitado que no sea residente de Southpointe.

6.     El jacuzzi permanecerá cerrado hasta nuevo aviso.

7.     Toda persona que haya dado positiva al Covid-19 o que haya manifestado cualquier síntoma del virus no puede utilizar estas instalaciones en este momento. Además, pedimos que aquellos clasificados como vulnerables y/o con sistemas inmunológicos afectados o con afecciones médicas subyacentes no usen las piscinas en este momento.

8.     Favor de practicar buenos hábitos de higiene en todo momento. Mantenga los baños limpios.

9.     Todas las reglas anteriores aplican. Por favor reporte cualquier asunto o violación llamando o enviando un mensaje al (407) 924-2945.

Gracias anticipadas por su cooperación.
La Gerencia