September 15, 2017 Hurricane damage update

As previously stated there is significant damage to all of our roofs due to the heavy rain and wind associated with Hurricane Irma on Monday.  As many of you have found out this week, all of the roofs are currently leaking either in the flat roof sections (over the bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen), or the shingled area over the living rooms or both.  Although we started the insurance claim first thing Tuesday morning, this is going to be a long road to recovery and there is no way around it.  We currently have licensed contractors surveying the damage on all 32 roofs.  They have spent the last 3 days (and will need at least 2 more days) inspecting every inch of the roofs in order to include ALL storm related damage on the insurance claim.  We have to submit a report on every roof to the insurance carrier to determine what will be covered and what will not.  We then have to select a roofing company and apply for all of the necessary permits from the City of Orlando.  No roofing work can begin until these steps are taken.

Again I must reiterate that there is NO way to tarp flat roofs.  The roofs are over 22,000 square feet per pair of buildings, and there are 28 AC condensers on each roof.  These AC units CANNOT be covered.  On Monday (weather permitting) we will be attempting to cover the areas where shingles were blown off the roof.  These areas are not flat and can be tarped, but this is NOT a guarantee against leaks and it will only help in the living room vaulted ceiling area.  It will NOT help with leaks in any other areas.

I am positive there are more leaks that have not been discovered and or reported to the office.  If you have a leak due to hurricane Irma and you have NOT already reported it, please report it immediately.  If your unit is unoccupied at this time you MUST check your unit.  If you have a friend or family member close by with a key, or a rental agent or realtor that can help you, please contact them.   If your unit has a leak that goes undetected, you may be held responsible for damage caused to other units as a result of your leak.  Your insurance company will not cover your loss if it is not reported in a timely manner.  Most policies do NOT cover mold and once you have reached that stage (which can take as little as a few days), you may end up paying out of pocket for your damages.  If your unit goes unchecked for as little as 3 months, your insurance company may consider it abandoned and not assist you with your claim at all.

If you have a roof leak you MUST do what you can to mitigate your damage.  Southpointe is financially responsible for the roof repairs and drywall damage in the unit since this was a natural disaster.  HOWEVER, all other items, including paint, inside your unit are your responsibility.  If you have damage inside your unit (other than drywall), you will need to submit a claim with your own insurance company.  They will ask you what you did to protect the items in your unit.  You may need to move furniture away from leaking areas, put buckets or large containers to catch leaking water, cover floor or other items with plastic or something to prevent the water from damaging your things. If you get a large “bubble” on your ceiling due to water leaking in from the roof, we recommend poking a hole in this bubble to release the water pressure and help the ceiling from falling down (Remember to put a bucket under the bubble before poking a hole in it). Doing these things will also help prevent water from going through your floor and damaging the unit downstairs from you.

We understand this is a very frustrating time and stress is high and patience is low, but there is no easy or quick fix to this.  We are using all resources available to us and we are doing everything we can to resolve this.  As I am sure you realize, this is a disaster that hit the entire state.  Contractors are backed up with work, and materials are in short supply.  If you need help managing your leak in the meantime, please let us know.  We do have buckets and employees can help you.  We are keeping detailed records of each building and each unit.  We need all leaks reported, but please only report them one time.

If you have damage other than drywall you can try and submit a claim to  It appears they have funds and other assistance to release to those affected by the storm, but I cannot make any promises as to what they will offer each individual who applies.  It is on a case by case basis.

It is sad that I have to repeat this, but after today I find it again necessary to do so. Abuse to the staff will not be tolerated.  Yelling and making threats to the staff will not make this process move any faster.  Everyone’s leak and damage is important and roofs will be fixed in order or priority.  Buildings with the worst/most leaks will be first on the list for repair, no exceptions.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and thank you to those who have helped us throughout this difficult time.

China Benson, Property Manager, Southpointe Condominium Association